Policies & Procedures
Circulation Policy
Library books are loaned out for a period of one month for students in grades PreK-12th. An RYSS Library Permission Slip must be filled out and returned in order to check-out library books and other resources. If a student has an overdue book, no other book may be checked out from the library. A lost or damaged library item (Books, Equipment, Media, etc.) must be replaced or its cost reimbursed to the library. Overdue items are accrued the day after the due date at a rate of .25 per day up to $5.00. Students may pay cash or volunteer in the library to pay off their fees.
The book drop is located outside, in front of the library. It may be used to return any library books or textbooks. Please do not return any CDs, calculators, or other technology equipment in the drop box. We want to keep all equipment from becoming damaged by heavy books that are returned to the library drop box.
Libros de la biblioteca son prestados por un período de un mes para estudiantes en grados K-12. Se tiene que llenar y entregar el Formulario de Permiso Bibliotecario para poder sacar libros y materiales de la biblioteca. Si un estudiante tiene un libro vencido, ningún otro libro puede ser prestado de la biblioteca. Un libro perdido o dañado debe ser reemplazado o su costo reembolsado a la biblioteca. Artículos (Libros, equipos, medios de comunicación, etc.) devueltos el día o días después de la fecha de vencimiento tendrán que pagar 25 centavos por cada día después de la fecha con el máximo balance de $5.00 por artículo. Estudiantes pueden pagar en efectivo o ser voluntarios en la biblioteca.
La caja de la biblioteca, tipo buzón, está localizado afuera, en frente de la biblioteca. Libros de la biblioteca y libros de clase, pueden ser devueltos aquí. Favor de no devolver ningún CD, calculadora u otro equipo de tecnología en el buzón. Queremos evitar que se dañe el equipo por los libros pesados que se devuelven.
Library Book & Textbook Fees
It is important for students, staff, and faculty to check their textbooks and report any damages. Students, staff, and faculty have 2 weeks to report any damages to textbooks after all textbooks have been distributed so that they will not be charged at the end of the year. Each patron is responsible for the condition of each of their textbooks that has been checked out under their account.
Students, staff, and faculty must report any damages to a library book prior to or during their check-out so that fines will not be charged for damages once their library books are returned.
Damage fees are used to pay for the repair or replacement of books. Please contact the library if you have any questions.
Raul Yzaguirre School for Success policy requires all students to have an acceptable use policy on file before use of school computers in the classroom, computer labs, or the library. The responsible parent or guardian must sign these permission slips BEFORE students may use school computers. Computer usage in the library is reserved for research purposes and searching the library catalog. Misuse of school computers could result in the loss of all or part of computer privileges for all or part of the school year. When students and parents signed off on the school’s Code of Conduct, they automatically signed the Acceptable Use Policies.
RYSS Instructors must also read through, sign, and submit the Digital Lab Agreement Form before scheduling classes with the school library technician.
Computer Lab Rules
- Handle ALL EQUIPMENT properly and with respect
- Act appropriately at all times & be courteous to others
- No gum, food, or drinks in lab
- No Backpacks or Personal CD's
- Stay at your assigned computer
- Talk only when necessary & then quietly so you don't disturb others
- Visit only approved or appropriate Internet sites for your assignment.
- No "Surfing the Net"
- Never Download-DO NOT for any reason download computer programs/software, music, movies, games, etc.
- Do not make any changes to computer settings. (This includes desktop, screen saver, etc.)
- Students are expected to follow the District's Electronic Communication and Data Management Policy (Acceptable Use Policy).