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Gifted and Talented Program

The Gifted & Talented program is designed for students who perform at a high level of accomplishment and demonstrate creative and productive thinking and/or leadership ability.

According to the Texas Education Code Chapter 29, Subchapter D §29.121, the definition for “gifted and talented students” means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: 

  • exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area; 
  • possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or 
  • excels in a specific academic field. 


A student may be nominated by a teacher, a parent, a peer, any staff or community member. 

The Gifted & Talented programs provide these students with coursework that has the depth, complexity, and pacing that addresses their level of learning. 

In the district’s Gifted & Talented program, students are provided instruction that is geared toward self-directed learning with an emphasis on research, analysis, creativity, and communication. In addition, students may work in collaboration with businesses and industry representatives on projects and presentations. 

Faculty members foster individual thinking as well as group collaboration in the development of class projects and research assignments. It is expected that projects completed in this program will be comparable to professionally produced projects and presentations. 


Similarities and Differences with Other Programs 

The Gifted & Talented program runs parallel to Advanced Placement and STEM courses on our campuses, working to stimulate and challenge students.  As a member of the Gifted & Talented program, a student may develop a project further than their classmates, research more in depth on a topic, or create a differentiated product to showcase his/her efforts and understanding.

Gifted & Talented students are served in the general education classroom through differentiation, as well as in a dedicated Gifted & Talented group, which meets once a week to work on specific projects and plans.