Section 504
RYSS takes the responsibility seriously to identify and serve students who are disabled and as a result of the disability need special services/ accommodations within the general education program.
RYSS is committed to meeting these students’ needs under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which is a federal law that prohibits discrimination of the basis of disability.
For more information about Section 504 and Dyslexia Program, please contact:
Ms. Maggie Salinas at
Para mayor informacion acerca del Programa Seccion 504 y Dislexia, por favor comuniquese con la
Sra. Maggie Salinas al
tel: 713-640-3778
- Who is eligible under Section 504?
- What is meant by “substantially limits”?
- What is a major life activity?
- Where does RTI fit in the 504 process?
- What are the referral procedures?
- What constitutes an evaluation under Section 504?
- Who are the members of the 504 committee?
- How is placement defined?
- Can eligible 504 students take an alternative STAAR test?