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Special Education


The Raul Yzaguirre schools provide students with special needs with rich educational opportunities to prepare them for the future. Our students have the opportunity to participate in a free and appropriate educational setting designed to meet their individual needs on our campuses.

Based on the student's individual education plan, services are provided in the least restrictive environment that allows the student access to the general education curriculum and instruction with non-disabled classmates to the extent that is appropriate for the student, but also provides them with personalized instruction if necessary, according to their specific needs.

Child Find


The Raul Yzaguirre Schools for Success Special Education Department's purpose is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to empower them and help them to be successful in school and in life. 



Notice of Procedural Safeguards / Aviso sobre Procedimientos de Protección 

English Version

Versión en Español


Parent's Guide to the ARD Process / Guía para Padres del Proceso de ARD

English Version

Versión en Español

Exciting News for Families! 

We are thrilled to announce the Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES) $1,500 grant! This program offers eligible families up to $1,500 to purchase educational goods and services like tutoring, textbooks, technology, and more to support their child’s learning journey. 

Please note: This is a one-time grant. If you've previously applied for a PDSES or Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) grant, you are not eligible to reapply for the same student.

We believe every child deserves the resources they need to succeed, and we’re excited to support your family in achieving that goal! 

Dates: •Application opens: February 3, 2025 at 8 AM (CST) - Application closes: March 31, 2025 at 5 PM (CST)

How: Go to to apply (English) or to (Spanish)
More Information


At-Home Resources

Texas Workforce Commission      


A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities / Guia de Transicion para la Educacion Post-Secundaria y Empleo para Estudiantes y Jovenes con Disabilidades

Transition Services/Servicios de Transición

English version

Versión en Español



Texas Project FIRST - Families, Information, Resources, Support, and Training

For more information, click HERE


Cameras in the Classroom

For more information, click HERE


Region 4 Education Service Center

For more information, click HERE