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Enrollment Information


Come on in and reserve your space.

We serve Bilingual, ESL, Gifted and Talented and Special Education students.  We also offer free Dual Credit courses, STEM, P-Tech, ROTC, soccer, band, art, after-school and Saturday tutorials.    

We are a designated STEM and P-TECH High School by TEA.     

We have been awarded the CEP grant for FREE breakfast  and lunch.   Be A Champion has partnered with us again this year to provide afternoon snacks for students.

Our SPARK PARK is located on our premises for the community.  

Baylor College of Medicine is located at our site to offer free medical and health consultations for the students ages 13 on up.     

Come by and fill out applications for next school year.

Below are the documents needed when enrolling. 

Enrollment Requirements

  • Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Residence Lease/Contract; Utility bill with parent/guardian name
  • Address must be in the following zip codes: 
    • Primary zip codes: 77003;  77004;   77011;   77012;   77017;  77021;  77023  77033;  77087  
    • Secondary Zip Codes: only if zoned to Houston schools:  77002;  77006;  77020;  77027  77029 (only if zoned to HISD, not Galena Park or Jacinto City);  77098
  • Immunizations (up to date)
  • Parent ID in form of driver license/DPS ID card/ Immigration ID
  • Social Security - providing a SSN is voluntary and used to match a student's Unique Id through the Texas Student Data System.  If you do not wish to supply the SSN, please provide the Student Identification Number, if you do not have one, one will be generated.

All documentation above is needed and must be submitted before a child is considered for enrollment at Raul Yzaguirre Schools for Success (RYSS).  If your child was required to attend summer school at the end of the previous school year, then the summer school report card is needed with the promotion status.


Requisitos Para Matricular

  • Acta de nacimiento
  • Prueba de residencia (Lease/Contract; Utility bill with parent/guardian name / Contrato o recibo de luz, agua, o gas a nombre del padre/tutor)   
  • Address must be in the following zip codes: 
    • Primary zip codes: 77003;  77004;   77011;   77012;   77017;  77021;  77023  77033;  77087  
    • Secondary Zip Codes: only if zoned to Houston schools:  77002;  77006;  77020;  77027  77029 (only if zoned to HISD, not Galena Park or Jacinto City);  77098
  • Cartilla de inmunizaciones/vacunas (al corriente)
  • Parent ID in form of driver license/DPS ID card/ Immigration ID/ Identificación del padre ( licencia de manejar o tarjeta de identificación del DPS)
  • Ultimo Reporte de Calificaciones
  • Social Security - Proporcionar un SSN es voluntario y se usa para hacer coincidir la identificacion unica de un estudiante a traves del Sistema de datos de estudiantes de Texas.  Si no desea proporcionar el SSN, proporcione el numero de identificacion, si no existe se generara uno.) 

Es un requisito de la escuela RYSS que se entregue toda la información solicitada. Esto es necesario para que su hijo(a) sea considerado como estudiante inscrito/aceptado. La escuela no aceptará ninguna aplicación incompleta. Si fué necesario que el alumno(a) asistiera a la escuela de verano, tendrá que presentar las calificaciones de verano antes de empezar el año escolar.
