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Welcome Parents and Families


Dear Parents and Families,

Raul Yzaguirre Schools for Success is committed to the education of the children in our community. We feel Parent Engagement is an essential piece in ensuring that our students are successful in school and beyond. We believe that when parents are more involved in the academic process, school becomes more of a priority for their children.

In addition, no school district can truly succeed without the support of its local community and business partners. RYSS must continue to initiate Strategic Partnerships and increase volunteer opportunities to community so that our scholars can be connected with college and/or career paths.

Together, we will support our RYSS scholars!

Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office.


Ramiro Fonseca

Director of Outreach and Engagement


Parent-Family Engagement: Provide families with training, resources, and education that will stregthen their advocacy at home and at school.

Community Engagement: Community Outreach; Successful Sustainable Partnerships; Community-Based Project and Initiatives.


Strategic Partnerships: Our P&FE Team supports Tejano Center and RYSS District-wide Initiatives that engage students, parents, staff, community, partners, and neighborhoods.