

After a set of evaluations, if your child qualifies for services, a multidisciplinary team will meet to decide what program best fits the individual needs of your child. This team will include:
  • school administrator
  • parent(s) or guardian
  • evaluation personnel
  • teacher(s)
  • student
The team will review evaluation information, discuss eligibility, identify the areas of need for specialized instruction, including related services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or counseling. If the team determines your child is eligible for special education services, they will work together to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
RAUL YZAGUIRRE SCHOOL FOR SUCCESS is committed to provide a free and appropriate public education for your child. All Special education services are provided to your child free of charge.

Services for Preschool Children Referral Information

Children between the ages of 3 and 5 whose parents or legal guardians live within the

boundaries of RYSS Charter School may be referred for screening. These referrals can be made by contacting the Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities Assessment Center. This referral may occur at any time during the year.


Referrals may be initiated by:




Private Child Care Centers

Community Agencies

Private Preschool Teachers

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Program for children who are birth to 3 years of age


Special Education Services for Preschool Children

Special education services are designed to help preschool children who may experience educational difficulties because of identified disabilities.


Disability Requirements

Children must meet Texas Education Agency (TEA) criteria for one or more of the following disabilities and demonstrate a need for special education services:


Learning Disability

Intellectual Disability

Orthopedic Impairment

Visual Impairment


Speech Impairment

Auditory Impairment

Emotional Disturbance

Other Health Impairment

Multiple Disabilities


Traumatic Brain Injury

Non-Categorical Early Childhood



Screening at the PPCD Assessment Center will determine if the child requires further evaluation. A preschool speech evaluation or Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) may need to be scheduled. The FIE team consists of an educational diagnostician, a speech/language pathologist, a PPCD instructional specialist and other professionals such as occupational therapist, physical therapist, vision or hearing specialists as needed. The parents are invited to be part of the team.


Admission, Review & Dismissal

In order to receive special education services an Admission, Review, and Dismissal

(ARD) Committee meeting is required. Only this committee can establish the child's category of disability, develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and decide on an appropriate educational placement.


Individualized Education Program

An individualized education program (IEP) is developed for each child qualifying for services. The IEP is based on the child's present level of performance determined during the evaluation. Measurable annual goals and objectives for each child are developed to address educational needs. These goals and objectives are written in a collaborative manner with parent input.


Related Services

Related services are available to children eligible for special education services. This term means corrective and supportive services required to allow a child with a disability to benefit from special education services. The term includes, but is not limited to:


Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy

Assistive Technology

Bus Transportation


Child Find Notice

RYSS is responsible for identifying, locating and evaluating all children with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services within the school district's boundaries. If you know of such a child, please contact:


RYSS - Special Education Department

Mr. Nicholas Smith, Chairperson
